
Welcome to DBS Offshore Wind

DBS Offshore Wind Farms

The DBS (Dogger Bank South) Offshore Wind Farms are being developed by RWE and Masdar for a shallow offshore area of the North Sea known as Dogger Bank, located over 100km off the northeast coast of England.

DBS comprises two separate sites, DBS East and DBS West. Based on an estimated combined capacity of 3GW, the projects could be capable of generating enough electricity to meet the average annual domestic electricity needs of around 3 million typical UK homes*.

We have been developing the projects since 2021 and submitted a Development Consent Order application with an Environmental Statement on 12 June 2024. The Planning Inspectorate accepted our application in July 2024. A Preliminary Meeting started and was adjourned on 22 October 2024.

On 17 December 2024, the Examining Authority issued a letter outlining a revised draft timetable for a six-month examination process, commencing with a Preliminary Meeting that will restart on 14 January 2025.

Notice of Hearings

There will be a series of hearings held by the Planning Inspectorate to discuss aspects of the application that were raised by organisations and the public during the pre-examination phase.

Information about the hearings and how to get involved is set out on the Planning Inspectorate website where you can also view all application documents and register to be kept up to date throughout the examination process.

Details about the Preliminary Meeting, Compulsory Acquisition, and Issue Specific Hearings can be found in the Notice of Hearings.

Proposed Design Changes

We have considered stakeholder feedback received immediately prior to submission of the Development Consent Order and since submission through the Relevant Representation process.

Ongoing design work, combined with the feedback received and a firm grid connection offer, has enabled the team to reduce the footprint of the two proposed onshore converter stations and to reduce and even remove aspects of the proposed offshore infrastructure. The consultation on these proposed changes to the DCO application that was accepted in July 2024 ran from 15 November 2024 to 16 December 2024 and is now closed. We are currently considering feedback received on the changes and intend to submit the Requests for Change in January 2025.

Find out more about the proposed design changes in the Current Status pages.

View our interactive map

You can view the onshore and offshore elements of the project using our interactive map.

View map

Location of the offshore infrastructure for DBS

The DBS Environmental Statement is a technical and complex document available on the Planning Inspectorate website.

The Non-Technical Summary provides an overview of all the chapters.


  • Up to 2,380 jobs supported across the UK, including 1,520 jobs across the Humber region during development and construction
  • Almost £1 billion Gross Value Added (GVA) in the UK, including £400 million in the Humber region during the development and construction
  • Up to UK 1,120 jobs, including 810 in the Humber region during the operations and maintenance stage
  • Low carbon electricity to meet the average annual domestic electricity needs of around 3 million typical UK homes*

*Calculation based on 2021 generation, and assuming average (mean) annual household consumption of 3,509 kWh, based on latest statistics from Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (Subnational Electricity and Gas Consumption Statistics Regional and Local Authority, Great Britain, 2021, Mean domestic electricity consumption (kWh per meter) by country/region, Great Britain, 2021).

What is GVA?

Gross Value Added (GVA) is the economic contribution the projects make to an area e.g. the UK or the Humber region.

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Current status

Learn more about the stages of examination that DBS will go through

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The story so far...

The DBS projects have been through a detailed development phase

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Keep in touch

Get in touch and ask questions with our project team

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