
Skills and learning

We are already investing in STEM related education programmes, job creation, skills, and training opportunities as we believe these measures will help to protect and grow thriving, sustainable local economies and communities.

In North East England, our investment in STEM related education programmes is encouraging young people to make quality learning decisions and develop new skills. Participation in our programmes boosts employability, helping people to compete for and win new jobs with us and across the wider offshore wind industry in the region.

In June 2024, we launched the DBS Primary School Engagement Programme to engage pupils from eight East Riding primary schools located along the proposed onshore export cable route for the DBS projects from Skipsea, where the cables would make landfall, to the new converter stations to the south of Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

The first school to participate in the programme was Molescroft Primary, where the pupils were keen to learn about the industry and asked fantastic questions about how offshore wind farms are developed and constructed.

Each participating school receives a classroom STEM kit box containing all the resources to deliver a range of activities as an ongoing legacy of the programme. In partnership with UK STEM, who are delivering our Primary schools programme, we have also prepared short videos to support teachers delivering lessons based on the kit boxes. The kit boxes includes:

  • Cable Route Activity Pack including materials to identify the most cost-effective and practical subsea export cable route between a proposed offshore wind farm and a substation located on the coast;
  • Wind Turbine Investigation Activity Pack including 6 model wind turbines, voltmeters, cables and materials to design and test model wind turbine blades, using a series of variables that impact on energy yield; and
  • STEM Boats Activity Pack including materials to build a cardboard boat and then test its response to various test weight distribution whilst afloat.

Even if your school doesn’t have a STEM kit box, we hope the videos and associated printable resources provide inspiration to help you develop similar workshops independently.

The Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm (operated by RWE) is also located off the northeast coast and has developed a range of skills and careers materials including a film about Careers in Offshore Wind film, case studies covering a variety of job roles and detailed lesson plans for teachers to use in their own schools.

The Sofia Offshore Wind Farm, (currently under construction by RWE off the northeast coast) has also implemented a range of education activities for schools, colleges and universities and developed a suite of educational resources. The resources can be found at the bottom of the Sofia education and skills page.

“It has been a very engaging day which the children have loved. The activity has highlighted every part of STEM, which is a big feature at our school, and has also shown the children real life application for maths. Any example where you can show children how science and maths is used in the real world and in the future is so useful. The careers element of the day has been a key part, showing the children jobs that they could be doing in the future. It’s been a really exciting day, the expertise in delivery and quality of the resources has been excellent.”

Year 6 teacher at Molescroft Primary School, Ben Rowsell

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Current status

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The story so far...

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