
Current status

DBS is now in a period called 'pre-examination' which will be followed by 'examination', 'recommendation' and 'decision'.


This is an opportunity to share your views about the projects by following these steps:

  • Register with the Planning Inspectorate to become an Interested Party.
  • Make a Relevant Representation (share your views in writing) online here.
  • Paper copies of the Registration and Relevant Representation Forms can be requested by telephoning the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000.
  • Send completed paper forms to The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directorate, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. Quote the Planning Inspectorate reference for the Application (EN010125) in any correspondence.

All submitted Representations will be published on the Planning Inspectorate's website and will be subject to their privacy policy, found online here:

Privacy policy

Relevant Representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 11:59pm on 06 September 2024. Please allow enough time for delivery if submitting a Representation by post.

You can find additional guidance about how to register and make a Relevant Representation on the Planning Inspectorate website:

Video guidance Written guidance


The Planning Inspectorate has up to six months to carry out the examination.

During this stage, Interested Parties are invited to provide more details about their views at hearings, the dates of which are set at the end of the pre-examination period.

The Examining Authority considers all important and relevant matters including the Representations of all Interested Parties, any supporting evidence submitted and answers provided to the Examining Authority’s questions set out in writing or posed at hearings.

Find out how to take part at a hearing by watching a Planning Inspectorate video and reading their written guidance:

Video guidance Written guidance

Recommendation and decision:

The Planning Inspectorate prepares a report about the application for the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. This report will include a recommendation and will be submitted within three months of the close of the examination. The Secretary of State then has a further three months to make the decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent.

Post decision:

Once a decision has been made and published, there is a six-week period in which the decision may be challenged in the High Court. This process of legal challenge is known as Judicial Review.

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